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Lindlar - Germany

As main contractor, Glosec is transforming the Kasteel Heiligenhoven NRWF, until recently a museum, into a clinic for patients with a burnout. The mansion and the historic 400-year-old outer fort are being renovated, transformed and parts are newly built; the non-historical part of the complex has already been demolished by us.

Verbouwing Lindlar door Glosec

A new section will be added instead. With a height of three floors, the new building is deliberately kept a lot lower than the existing building. The patient rooms, therapy rooms, the swimming pool and the restaurant will be housed in the new building. The administration and other facilities will be housed in the existing buildings.

Verbouwing Shloss Heiligenhoven Lindlar door Glosec Glosec verbouwt shloss Lindlar Shloss Lindlar in de steigers Glosec verbouwt Shloss Lindlar in Duitsland Verbouwing kasteelkamer Lindlar Verbouwing kamer Lindlar

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